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The STEM program at Machetanz Elementary is designed to integrate science and literacy.  Each unit is designed to use the science content to teach reading and writing skills.  The units at each grade level address and extend the state’s science standards in life science, earth science, physical science, science and technology, history and nature of science, cultural, social and personal perspectives and science, and science as inquiry and process, as well as addressing environmental science concepts.  In addition, teachers are adding in engineering lessons and activities that integrate with the science units.  Art and Social studies content and skills are also incorporated into the units.



  • Hands-on investigations
  • Inquiry processes
  • Field trips
  • Outdoor investigations
  • Connections with local scientists and professionals for projects or presentations
  • Service learning
  • Place-based education

Program materials and methods:

  • Spalding: The Writing Road to Reading
  • GLAD
  • Seeds of Science/Roots of Reading
  • National Geographic
  • FOSS
  • Engineering is Elementary
  • GLOB

Curriculum Map


Grade K





Semester 1

National Geographic Life Science: Plants

Foss: Trees

National Geographic: Physical Science Properties

Foss:  Wood and Paper

Basic Introduction to Computer Skills

Engineering Design Process




EIE Designing Windmills

Math Expressions

Chapters 1-3

Semester 2

National Geographic: Earth Science  Day, Night and Seasons

National Geographic:  Life Science Animals and Habitats

Foss:  Animals Two by Two

Basic Introduction to Computer Skills

Engineering Design Process

Math Expressions

Chapters 4-6


Grade 1





Semester 1

National Geographic:  Physical Science Properties Push and Pull

National Geographic: Weather and Sun, Moon and Stars

Foss:  Air and Weather

Basic Introduction to Computer Skills

Engineering Design Process

Math Expressions

Chapters 1-5

Semester 2

National Geographic:  Balance and Motion

Foss:  Force and Motion

National Geographic:  Life and Science

Foss:  New Plants

Basic Introduction to Computer Skills

Engineering Design Process


EIE: Balance and Force

Math Expressions

Chapters 6-10


Grade 2





Semester 1

Seeds of Science: Shoreline Science

FOSS: Pebbles, Sand and Silt

Keyboarding Skills

Basic Word Processing Skills

Computer Based Research


EIE:  A Stick in the Mud: Evaluating a Landscape


Math Expressions

Units 1-6


Semester 2

Seeds of Science:  Designing Mixtures

FOSS: Solids and Liquids

Seeds of Science:  Soils Habitats

FOSS: Insects


Keyboarding Skills

Basic Word Processing Skills

Computer Based Research


EIE: A Work in Progress: Designing a Play Dough Process


Math Expressions

Units 7-12


Grade 3





Semester 1

Seeds of Science: Variation and Adaptation

FOSS: Structures of Life

Keyboarding Skills

Basic Word Processing Skills

Computer Based Research


EIE:  Designing Plant Packages


Math Expressions

Units 1-6


Semester 2

Seeds of Science:  Digestion and Body Systems

Seeds of Science: Gravity and Magnetism

FOSS: Ideas and Inventions


Keyboarding Skills

Basic Word Processing Skills

Computer Based Research

Multi-Media Presentations



EIE:  Designing Alarm Circuits

Math Expressions

Units 7-12


Grade 4





Semester 1

Seeds of Science: Water and Weather


Alaska Department of Fish and Game:  Salmon in the Classroom

Keyboarding Skills

Word Processing Skills

Internet Based Research

Multi-media Presentations

EIE:  Designing a Water Filter

Math Expressions

Units 1-6

Semester 2

Seeds of Science:  Light and Energy

Foss: Landforms

National Geographic: Shaping Earth’s Surface

Keyboarding Skills

Word Processing Skills

Internet Based Research

Multi-media Presentations

EIE:  Designing Solar Ovens

STC:  Motion and Design Kit

Math Expressions

Units 7-12



Grade 5





Semester 1

Seeds of Science : Aquatic Environments


Keyboarding Skills

Word Processing Skills

Internet Based Research

Multi-media Presentations

EIE:  A Slick Solution:  cleaning an Oil Spill

Math Expressions

Units 1-6

Semester 2

Seeds of Science:  Planets and Moons


Seeds of Science:  Chemical Change



Keyboarding Skills

Word Processing Skills

Internet Based Research

Multi-media Presentations

EIE:  Designing Submersibles

Math Expressions

Units 7-12